Tag Archives: Ming Warrior

Evan and Gordon Talk: Deadliest Warrior

EVAN: Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, welcome to the first installment of E&GT where Gordon and I try to uncover the magic that was lost. The last post we did fell a little flat, so we’re here to casually discuss a subject we both know is awesome: DEADLIEST WARRIOR.

GORDON: That’s right- Deadliest Warrior, a show 90% about mutilating ballistic gel dummies, and it was STILL too intellectual for Spike. At least, that’s my version of why they cancelled it. You can probably tell we’re a little bit bitter about the whole thing.

EVAN: Ugh, Spike. Have you seen the little bits of footage they slot in between shows to fill up the space?

GORDON: I have not.

EVAN: It’s like . . . Here, let me find one.

Readers, the following is kinda PG-13. I kind of apologize for embedding this, but it’s just too ridiculous not to:

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