Tag Archives: Ted

University Rape

We recently had a comment on our Facebook page asking for our opinion on an article that asks its readers if college rankings [could] solve the campus rape crisis.

In light of this topic, you may be asking yourself if university rape is actually a current crisis. I have asked myself the same thing, since I am currently a university student and have never felt threatened on campus. Unfortunately, rape seems to be a very troubling reality in post-secondary schools- it just doesn’t take usually happen in the way we  tend to picture.

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Fame Day: Maysoon Zayid, Integrated Schools, and Bringing Special Needs into the Spotlight

Have you seen this TED talk by Maysoon Zayid? At around 11:50 in her stand-up routine she says something pretty profound that hadn’t really occurred to me before, despite having people with special needs in my life since I was a little girl:

“People with disabilities are the largest minority population in the world, and we are the most under-represented in entertainment.”

She makes a good point. Can you think of a movie about or including a person with special needs? How about a movie about/including a person with special needs where that person is played by someone with special needs? It’s a lot harder, isn’t it?

Try to think of something other than The Ringer, since I gave that one away.

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5 Lessons from the HIMYM finale

So, How I Met Your Mother is finally over. And the internet is pissed.

Spoilers below, obviously.

This is what everyone wishes they could do to the writers.

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A Show By Any Other Name Would Be Just A Spin-off

“There is nothing new in art except talent,” words by Anton Chekhov that I was forced to look up because I’ve already cited Ecclesiastes in a prior post. They’re also words that I feel forced to grasp firmly on to as I’m faced with the deluge of television spin-offs soon to flood your televisions and my laptop with more and more of the same. With that being the worst case scenario, of course.

That being said, I’m going to try my best to take the stance I typically take on these sorts of things, which is that ultimately execution trumps everything else. Chances are that you wouldn’t have thought that a movie about a guy with his arm trapped under a rock would be able to hold your attention, but 127 Hours is great. The premise of a work of art does not damn it, though it certainly colours how audiences choose to approach and experience that work. Continue reading